Videos of Aircraft Model: Brabazon
Photo ID: 1634292 |
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Bristol Brabazon flight test footage (BW poor sound) 10 minutes: Here is some raw film footage of the Bristol Brabazon during early flight testing trials taken at Bristol\\\'s Filton works,... |
Photo ID: 1288645 |
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Bristol Brabazon flight test newsreels (10 minutes): The Bristol Brabazon was one of the largest aeroplanes of its day, and was developed as a passenger and troop transport to serve... |
Photo ID: 2130755 |
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The Farnborough Airshow 1950 is showcased in this new real. Featured aircraft include Blackburn Beverely, Meteor, Vickers 535, Hawker 1081, Seahawk, Venom, Sea Furry, Bristol Brabazon and more. The last... |
Ken Sayers (Seniority Date: May 1 2007)
Contact Ken Sayers
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